Monday, 14 April 2014

The Journey's Inception

I have a deadlines. I need to be roller coaster ready by July 26th.
No pressure!

I love roller coasters, I also don't want to have the added embarrassment of not being able to go on the rides with my cubs.

This is also paired with not wanting to be a string bean. I'd be more than happy an 18/20 rather than the 26/30 I am currently.

Basically I have 3 months to lose 7 stone... Can it be done? I just don't know right now.

I'll be continuing to lean on myfitnesspal for support and keeping schtum elsewhere. I don't need any extra added stress to go with everything else.

It is going to be boring, but it needs to be done.

It is a case of simple and frequent salads for lunch and meat/fish and veggies for tea. Minimal processed foods and maximum leafy greens etc.

Exercise too. The boys will find an evening walk will happen, just as if we had a dog, just without the dog.

I need me a big pair of jogging bottoms, hello Yours Clothing, I think you are expecting me.

I am hoping that my desire to go on big rides will give me the umph I need to power me through this phase. That and some good luck at last.

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